Friday, August 2, 2013

2013-2014 Office Tour: Co-Workers

My Co-workers said I could put pics of their office on my blog 

9th Grade Counselor 

 10th Grade Counselor 

 12th Grade Counselor 
(she's still working on hers)

I am the 11th Grade Counselor

My Office (2013-2014)

I finally finished my office

On the outside of my door 

Outside of my door 

My students (and some faculty/staff) love playing in the Zen Garden 

I love how these turned out.  Got the inspiration from Pinterest (
Pinterest is so addictive!! :-) 

Decided to do something different this year.  (another Pinterest find: I usually give a birthday card and a pencil. 
The students can trade the paper in for a treat.  Not sure what treats I will have, but it will probably be snacks, pencils, etc.