Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Summer Vacation

Wow!  The year has gone by really fast.  I intended to update my blog regularly, but I failed :-(  I WILL do better next year (2014-2015 school year).  I say that knowing I will be the senior counselor (deep breath). I've had this group of students since their sophomore year, so I feel somewhat prepared....but can you ever really be prepared to have seniors??!  I want to update my blog every week or every two weeks.  We shall see :-)
Today was my last contract day.  I don't have to report back to work until August 1.  I am going to enjoy my summer, but I have a summer work to-do list.  Our department is working on aligning with the ASCA model and not just the state (Texas) model...and I will have seniors (did I mention that already. LOL!)
Here is my to-do list:
  • Complete credit checks
  • Complete senior year spreadsheet (this will take the longest because it will be very detailed)
  • Check schedules for accuracy 
  • Lesson Plans: 
    • soft skills
    • life skills
    • college application bootcamp
    • returning students/college student panel
    • HBCU/HSI panel
    • admissions panel
  • OCI lesson plans (for my rotations)
  • Finalize senior conference checklist
  • Update counseling forms and handouts
  • A few other things I'm leaving out

I want to get most of this done before July 4.  **Fingers crossed**