Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Quick post: Catching Up On The Year

I'm going to attempt to cover my year so far....In no particular order.

Red Ribbon Week!!
We decided to have a little fun and support Red Ribbon Week using Mr. Mackey from South Park. Each grade had a "Mr. Mackey" board. I think we enjoyed it more than the students. 

Word Walls!!
We wanted to promote college during "Education! Go Get It!" Week. We loosely defined college as any and all post-secondary options: 2-year college/university, 4-year college/university, military, trade/technical school, workforce, etc. We had a financial aid word wall and a college word wall. 

Marching Storm!!
Prairie View A&M's band, the Marching Storm, performed for our students before the State Fair Classic. We wanted to expose our students to college life, different types of schools and different types of bands. 

Ugly Sweater Contest!!
I entered an ugly sweater contest...and WON!!!! I won Most Creative. My sweater had lights and an annoying chirping bird. My (counselor) coworker won Best Holiday Sweater.
My sweater

My co-worker's sweater--Best Holiday Sweater

My co-worker's sweater. Unfortunately, she didn't win :(

#2 won Ugliest. Yes, that is hair on the sweater. LOL!! 

Winning sweaters: #12: Most Creative; #14: Best Holiday 

We took a group of students to the National Black Caucus of State Legislators' Conference in Dallas. Rickey Smiley was the keynote speaker.
Lights Out!!
We had a power outage, but school must go on :) We were the welcoming committee and crowd control. We had a good time on our "porch."

I think I covered almost everything. 

Until next time...

Quick Post: Life of a Senior Counselor

I asked one of our student assistants to update my bulletin board with the graduation date.  She did an EXCELLENT job!!!!! She wrote "2015" on each tassel. #AttentionToDetail

It's Been A Long Time!!!

Wow!! It's been a long time since I posted :( I Guess I didn't make my goal of posting weekly. Maybe next year. LOL!

A lot's been going on! Our (counseling) department won the CREST Award!!!!! What is CREST??
We attended the Texas School Counselor Conference in Galveston. We had a great time! Our next goal: applying for the RAMP.
Had to make sure we took some time for Wellness

Picture with my roomie