Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Documents I Found Going Through My Teaching Files And An Idea From Pinterest

My computer had to be restored this week—which meant all my programs and fonts were lost L  I still have my LD (Lettering Delights) fonts CD and the free fonts I downloaded, but I have to try to find the other CDs.  I said all that to say-the fonts in the pics are not the same as the word docs.  {I'm going to attempt to add word documents to my blog.  I hope I'm able to do it} {UGH! I wasn't able to do it.  It doesn't look like it's sad}

The fonts I used for the documents were: Footlight MT Light (already on my computer) and several free fonts: Swagger, Amsterdam Graffiti, Minnie and Mickey and Cheri.  Free fonts are from:

I designed the cover for a friend.  His only criteria: make it macho. LOL!
I think football is macho.  Btw-his name is not Derek Morgan.  I’m a Criminal Minds fan. 


“Sorry I Missed You”: Made these for the same friend to leave on the door during home visits.

“I don’t have my homework”: I used this when I was teaching.  In order for me to consider accepting late work (which I usually didn’t), students had to complete the form and turn in when the homework was due.  They could also use a late work pass or a “Day of Grace” pass (see Binder Coupons).

“We Missed You”: Students staple the sheet to their make-up work.  When the teacher sees the sheet-they will not deduct points for late work.

Binder Coupons: I don’t know who loved these more—me or my students.  I only gave these out a few times a school year and not everyone received one.  This was something you had to earn.  I copied them on bright cardstock (usually orange) and stamped the back with whatever stamp I had so students wouldn’t copy them and give them to their friends (learned that the hard way).  I usually gave them out the first Friday of the school year for students who had their first major assignment. 

My New Office-The Before Pictures

I was finally able to see my office today….well, a potential office to be exact.  I will be one of two new counselors at the school this year, so I’m not sure which office will be mine, but they all look somewhat similar.  The counseling suite and offices are a mess because they replaced the carpet this summer.  I have most of the stuff for my offices already, but I have to find/buy more things to make it prettier, especially the file cabinets.  I remember seeing an idea on Pinterest J Below are the before pics and the stuff I bought for my office.  I love purple…as you can tell J

 Stress Balls for Students
Black Dry Erase Board
 Essential Office Supplies

Friday, July 27, 2012

Ideas from Pinterest

Confidentiality Poster {from}
Modified the background for high school, even though I do love hers

Original poster from

I will be making more using larger binder clips

Still haven’t decided all the tabs I want yet.  Once It’s finished-I’ll post pics. 

Still working on a few more things.  Will post pics when I’m finished

I finally found Pinterest

I have one more week before I have to report to work.  When I went to the school this summer, the counseling suite was getting new carpets, so I wasn’t able to see my office.  I also don’t know what students I’ll be working with yet.  I haven’t been able to do all the things I wanted to do the last couple of weeks (review transcripts and schedules, create spreadsheets to keep track of graduation requirements for seniors, decorate my office, create a “where is the counselor” sign, etc.).  I’ll probably go to the school next week to look at my office. 

As a result of being bored and searching the web, I finally found PINTEREST (my new obsession).  There are a lot of great ideas there.  Some were new ideas and some were ideas I’d seen before but with a twist.  I will be using several ideas this yearmodified for high school of course J. 

Some of my favorite ideas are:
·        The faculty/staff appreciation gifts.  I give beginning of the year and NSCW “gifts” to the counseling department and the entire faculty/staff. 
·        The “Where is the Counselor?” signs.  The one I used was not as creative as the ones on Pinterest and counseling blogs. 
·        The confidentially poster from ( I ordered one myself. 
·        Custom binder clips.  I love that I can make my own with Microsoft work and Modge Podge.  Made some yesterday and they turned out great!  I will be making more. 
·        Printing on post-its.  Never thought of doing that.  I am definitely going to have to try it.
·        The master teacher binder.  I always start the year off with a binder, but never finish the year with it.  Thanks to the ideas from Pinterest, I have a better idea of how to organize it so I will use it all year long. 

I’m going to try to add all the Pinterest ideas I made on another post.  Hope it works

New Year--New School

A few days after I graduated from college (years ago) I was offered a job at my ideal school (inner-city high school).  I was at that school for 11+ years.  I started as a teacher there and then moved to counseling.  I really loved the school and the students.  I was comfortable there.  I knew the faculty/staff and the students.  Last year was my first year as lead counselor.  I was a difficult year, but I was looking forward to making a lot of changes this year in the counseling department.  That won’t happen because I was reassigned.  Although it is sad to leave the only school I have known (as an educator), I see it as a blessing. 

After being at that school for so long, it was time for a change.  Since I wasn’t going to make the change on my own, God made it for me J  

The counselors I’ll be working with are great! They’re extremely nice and sweet.  I’ll still be working with all grade levels, which is what I want.  I’m sure the students are just as great as the students at my old school.  The biggest perk of going to this new school: it’s less than 5 minutes from my house!!!   

For the first time in a few years, I am really looking forward to this school year!

Friday, July 20, 2012

About Me

My name is Folade.  I am a High School Counselor in Texas.  I was a 9th Grade Counselor for 3 years.  Last year was my first year working with 9th-12th graders. 

I am always looking for great ideas and resources to be more efficient, more organized, more creative and to help students.  I’ve found a bunch of great stuff in various places (Pinterest, blogs, school websites, friends, books, etc.)  I hope my blog can be another resource. 

I look forward to sharing and receiving ideas with fellow educators!