Sunday, July 28, 2013

My New Office--The After Pictures (2012-2013)

I realized I never posted pics of my finished office. (One of my goals this year is to update my blog regularly.)   I've made a few changes to my office this year.  I will post them next week..  I wanted my office to be inviting and calming.  I think I achieved it :-) ...can you tell I love purple. LOL! 

My file cabinet (I switched this out for a newer, better looking one)
I was practicing with these labels.  I've changed these too

I don't have any cabinets, so I use binders--a lot of them :-)
Even when I had an office with cabinets, I still used binders.  

Probably one of the best things I purchased for my office.  Everyone loves it--students and teachers.  It is very inviting and relaxing. 

Love my Zen Garden.  I had to explain what it was and how to use it to several students, but they all loved it--some teachers and admin as well :-) 

My desk--with a sign-in sheet 

My side of the desk.  My desk wasn't always this clean and clutter-free. 

Got the idea from School Counselor Blog.  I love it

The only light in my office came from natural light and a couple lamps.  I don't like using the overhead light.  It's too bright and gives me a headache because it's right above my head.  The lamp also added to the calming environment I wanted to create