Saturday, September 20, 2014

Weekly Update

College Night: Monday was the annual District College Night. More than 250 colleges were represented. My students really benefited from attending. I forgot to take pictures, but here is the link to pictures posted on the District website

Individual Meetings: I began my individual meetings with my students. It took me longer to get started because I didn't complete the conference checklist ahead of time like I wanted. The meetings are going well and faster than I expected. My goal is to finish meeting with all my students is October 14. I estimate it will take approximately 2 days per teachers and I have 3 teachers, so I think I will make my deadline!

College Information: I completed my first Common Application student submission. I had never completed one before. I didn't know it was so detailed. I thought I only had to answer a few questions and upload a transcript. Whew! I know better now. LOL! Now that I know what to expect, I should finish the rest of the requests in my inbox next week.

Transcript Updates: finished and submitted them!

Counselors' Corner: Our principal wants a "help desk" in the cafeteria everyday during both lunches. The "help desk" will consist of at least counselor and an administrator. Each counselor has to cover a week during their students' lunch. This was my week. I didn't have many students visit me, but I anticipate more as the year progresses. 

Credit By Exam: I called in all the students who signed up for a CBE and gave them their paperwork (CBE contract, Independent Study Form, study guide). The deadline to submit the contact was today, Friday, September 19. If students don't return the contract, I don't order their test. It helps cut down on tests ordered and students not showing up to take the exam. I had over 40 students sign up for a test, but only about 20 returned the contract. I will give them until 9am Monday before I order the exams. 

Instagram Photo Challenge: didn't post a picture this week. I will post 2 next week. 

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