Monday, March 9, 2015

Snow Days!!!

We've had a few snow days in the last couple of weeks. I LOVE SNOW DAYS!!! We had two in one week and one the next week...and now we're on Spring Break. We have to make-up the days (Good Friday and June 8), but high school counselors work until June 24 anyway so I'm not complaining ;) 

{I went to high school in Denver so I'm used to the snow. Texas snow, however, is different. Texas "snow" usually means ICE. I feel comfortable driving in snow, but ice??!!...that's a completely different thing. I will gladly stay at home and enjoy my unplanned day off.} 

Being out for snow days did change the plans we had for our seniors. We were planning to take them on college tours. Each group [of seniors] was going to visit one of four colleges. We might be able to reschedule for next month. 

**Being Prepared For The Unexpected** 
Usually the weather people are good at predicting serious snow/ice, but sometimes the weather is worse than anyone expects. That was the case a couple weeks ago. The snow didn't begin falling until after 8am, so the schools didn't close. As the hours passed, the snow kept falling and the roads got bad (accidents, delays, freeway closures, etc.). Smaller districts were releasing the students early, but the larger districts weren't. As a result, many parents came to the school to pick up their child. Thankfully, we had a plan in place from our experience with the blackout. We had a lot of parents show up, but we handled it extremely well. We were well organized and prepared. Everyone had a specific assignment/duty. Of course, there will always be room for improvement, but I am proud of the job we did. We even had parents tell us how organized it was. 

View from inside the school

My doormat at my apartment. I live one the 2nd floor. 

2nd floor again. The wind was blowing hard. 

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