Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Quick Update

Quick update since I didn't post last week. This will cover this week and last. 

We are finally finished with the majority of our schedule changes!!! We only have a few changes left--mainly balancing a few classes.  I finished my senior classroom visits Monday.  They went well. I worked with the Go-Center, so the students received academic and college-readiness information.  I met with students today about attendance recovery and credit recovery.  I was at work late last night working on that paperwork.  I am determined to not take work home this year!  I don't usually take much home anyway.  I want my home to be my work-free sanctuary.  

The next major tasks on my to-do list are:

  • District College Night: Monday, September 15.  All high school counselors have to be participate, either as chaperons or sitting at the their school's table. It's a great event.  Hundreds of colleges are represented.  I'll post pictures next week. 

  • Individual Senior Meetings!  My goal is to meet with all of my ~240 seniors before Open House and 12th Grade Parent Night October 15.  Fingers crossed that I meet that goal.  I'll post the conference checklist next week.  

Instagram Photo Challenge-Weeks 2 and 3

Week 2: New
Didn't know what to do, so I took a picture of our resource center and binders.  We had the resource center last school year, but without the labels.  I added the binders this year.  We will put the other grades out when they have handouts, fliers, forms, etc. for their grade.  The scholarship binder is updated monthly.  

Week 3: On Track
Again, didn't know what to do, so I took a picture of the time I left work yesterday.  I was working on credit recovery enrollment forms and attendance recovery notices, so I can help my students be "on track."   LOL!! 

Week 2: New

Week 3: On Track

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