Sunday, August 17, 2014

Summer is over

My summer was officially over August 1.  My main goal was to finish my credit checks and update my senior spreadsheet. I accomplished both of those, even though it was after July 4.  How did I do on my summer to-do list???
Here is my to-do list:
  • Complete credit checks
  • Complete senior year spreadsheet (this will take the longest because it will be very detailed)
  • Check schedules for accuracy 
  • Lesson Plans: 
    • soft skills
    • life skills
    • college application bootcamp
    • returning students/college student panel
    • HBCU/HSI panel
    • admissions panel
  • OCI lesson plans (for my rotations)
  • Finalize senior conference checklist
  • Update counseling forms and handouts
  • A few other things I'm leaving out
I did a lot but not all.  I started the ASCA lesson plans but after the credit checks and spreadsheet, I was tired and confused.  I need to get together with one of the other counselors and finish those.  I updated my binders and binder spines (might post those later).  I am ready for this school year to begin!!  c/o 2015!!!!!!!

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